A History of West Clandon
Edited by Mrs Nancy Baster from contributions from Mr J Purkiss, The Rev J Cresswell and others
From ‘The Clandons, A Look into the Past’ published by the Clandon Society and the Parish Councils of East and West Clandon in 1991.
The Feudal Manor (1066-1500)
Early reference to the two Clandons go back to Anglo-Saxon times. Some traces have been found of Iron Age occupation and signs of Roman habitation, but the early settlements owed their existence to their situation at the foot of the North Downs, where water was available on the spring line where the chalk meets to clay.
The name Clandon is derived from clenedune or ‘Clean Down’, meaning open downland free from scrub. Early documents refer to Clenedune (East Clandon) and Altera Clenedune (West Clandon). By the 13th Century, references are found to East Clandon or Clandon Abbatis and West Clandon or Clandon Regis, referring to a significant difference between the two villages, which affected the history of their later development and at one time nearly brought the two villages to blows.
The early period come to an end with the Norman invasion in 1066, and is marked 20 years later by the great Domesday Book of 1086. This took into account the redistribution of the lands of the Anglo-Saxon lords to William’s followers after the Conquest. The Survey for almost all of England recorded what and how much each landowner held inland and livestock and what it was worth. The Domesday Book gives a fascinating glimpse of the two villages at the time.
The Feudal Manor (1066-1500)
Early reference to the two Clandons go back to Anglo-Saxon times. Some traces have been found of Iron Age occupation and signs of Roman habitation, but the early settlements owed their existence to their situation at the foot of the North Downs, where water was available on the spring line where the chalk meets to clay.
The name Clandon is derived from clenedune or ‘Clean Down’, meaning open downland free from scrub. Early documents refer to Clenedune (East Clandon) and Altera Clenedune (West Clandon). By the 13th Century, references are found to East Clandon or Clandon Abbatis and West Clandon or Clandon Regis, referring to a significant difference between the two villages, which affected the history of their later development and at one time nearly brought the two villages to blows.
The early period come to an end with the Norman invasion in 1066, and is marked 20 years later by the great Domesday Book of 1086. This took into account the redistribution of the lands of the Anglo-Saxon lords to William’s followers after the Conquest. The Survey for almost all of England recorded what and how much each landowner held inland and livestock and what it was worth. The Domesday Book gives a fascinating glimpse of the two villages at the time.
This map is an illustration. For a more detailed representation, please refer to the Rights of Way Interactive Map on the Surrey County Council website.
If you have any issues or suggestions with regards to the parish’s rights of way, please contact Paul Edwards (p.edwards@westclandon.org.uk).
West Clandon Parish Church
The Church of St Peter & St Paul
The parish church offers a warm welcome to any villagers who want to come to any of our services, who need some pastoral support, or simply want to find a place for quiet and prayer in a busy world.
For a list of our regular services and for our calendar of events, please visit our website www.clandon-churches.org
All enquiries about baptisms and weddings should initially be made with the church administrator.
If you are in need of pastoral support, or if you need to arrange a funeral for a loved one, please contact the Rector, Barnaby.
Contact Details
Rev Barnaby Perkins
The Rector
Mrs Helen Shanks
Lay Minister
Tanfield Cottage,
The Street,
West Clandon
01483 222289
Mrs Anne Randall
Church Clerk
4 Snelgate Cottages,
Old Epsom Road,
East Clandon
01483 222862
Mr Adam Tyrrell
The Old Rectory,
The Street,
West Clandon
01483 222545
Church Cleaning Rota
Please contact the church administrator
Mrs Gilly Christian
Church Flowers
‘Barn End’,
The Street,
West Clandon
Hugh Shanks
Church Warden
Tanfield Cottage,
The Street,
West Clandon
01483 222289
Mr Adam Tyrrell
The Old Rectory,
The Street,
West Clandon
01483 222545
Church Cleaning Rota
Please contact the church administrator
Mrs Gilly Christian
Church Flowers
‘Barn End’,
The Street,
West Clandon
Hugh Shanks
Church Warden
Tanfield Cottage,
The Street,
West Clandon
01483 222289
The Parochial Church Council
The Parochial Church Council, with the Rector the shares in the leadership of our church in worship and work within our parish. The PCC is the official, partly-elected team that shares leadership responsibility of the parish church with the Rector with whom they consult on matters of general concern and importance to the parish.
The PCC has responsibility for the maintenance of the church’s buildings and land, and has responsibility for ensuring that the church is a safe place for children, young people and
vulnerable adults. The PCC also has several activities such as working with children, families, young people (Sunday Club, Little Dragons Toddler Group and Messy Church), providing pastoral care for older members of the village (Tuesday Cafe and the Hearing Aid Clinic) and ensuring that the church is compliant with Data Protection and Copyright laws.
Finally and more broadly the PCC are also concerned with the overall life of the villages, and the well-being of their many residents. In this they seek practical ways of living out their beliefs, and hope that through care and service to others they might in some small way reflect God’s love for all people
Giving to support your parish Church
The Church of St Peter and St Paul relies on the generosity of villagers and those who worship regularly at the church to ensure that it can afford to maintain the church and continue to serve
our village.
If you are a taxpayer and support the church financially, or would like to, you can enhance the benefit to the church by completing a Gift Aid Declaration. This simple form is completed in two minutes and permits the church to claim a tax refund on any donations you make.
If you would like to find out more about supporting the church financially, please contact:
Stephen Meredith,
Paddock House,
Bennett Way,
West Clandon
01483 212640
Church Electoral Roll
The Church Electoral Roll (not the same as the electoral roll for the civic parish), entitles you to vote in church elections. It is open to all residents of the village of West Clandon. Even if you don’t go to church every week, if you feel that you have a connection to the Church of England, you can be entered on the electoral roll. To receive an application form for your name to be included on the church electoral roll please contact:
Petria Hiam,
‘Chase Cottage’
Oak Grange Road
West Clandon
01483 223344