Clubs and Societies

East and West Clandon Residents Association



Theo Wallace


Eric Palmer


Roger Harrison


Katherine Cornwa

Committee Members

Chris Barras

Gill Beaton

Ray Corstin

Chris Dean

Nigel Garbutt

Terence Patrick

Formerly known as the Clandon Society, the Association was renamed in February 2020 to better reflect the role we play in representing the residents of both East and West Clandon, a community of some 600 households and 1,600 people.

This Association has actively worked to protect and enhance our villages for more than 50 years.  

The Association’s objectives include:
– To protect the environment, character and history of our villages
– To preserve and improve the appearance and features of public amenities for residents
– To ensure high standards of planning and design of any construction
– To support funding of local initiatives which improve the lives of residents

Today that work is even more important than ever as we face massive developments and increasing traffic on our doorstep.

Generally the Association aligns itself, and is supportive of, the works of the Parish Councils.  However our association enjoys complete freedom of speech and activity compared to the legal restraints imposed on a Parish Council.

Everyone living in the villages is considered a part of our Association. We simply ask that you support the work carried out for you with an annual household subscription of just £5 per household.

This means we have the funds not only to combat the increasing threats of planning and traffic proposals to our villages, but also provide vital contributions to worthy causes such as the local school, the churches and good neighbour schemes.

Please if you have not already done so, contribute by subscribing by either:

Sending a cheque for £5 made out to The Clandon Society (we will be changing the account name in the near future!), together with your name and address, to our Treasurer:

Katherine Cornwall
Vine Cottage
The Street
West Clandon


Making a bank transfer of £5 to Santander bank:
Acc Name: Clandon Society
Acc No: 76949410
Sort code: 09-01-51

Your reference is just your address.