Storm Eunice
No sooner had we had several new trees planted on the boundary of the Recreation Ground, than storm Eunice snapped off one of the mature Horse Chestnuts. Luckily, the new trees survived undamaged but not so the street light, which was felled.
Elsewhere there were trees down – one across The Street, soon dealt with by Surrey Highways – the bus shelter near Glebe Cottages was left leaning drunkenly, various roofs lost small numbers of tiles and fence panels were blown over. The fact that the trees were bare of leaves probably prevented worse damage.
Neighbourhood Plan
The referendum on our Neighbourhood Plan will take place at the Village Hall on Thursday, March 17th and the result will be known by 11pm on the evening of the vote.
The Parish Council carried out a leaflet drop to each house in the village and publicised the event through various media. There must be an interesting study to be made of village letter box styles. The tiny ones designed for bus tickets, the ones that open vertically, the double flap ones that trap fingers, the welded shut ones, the dog in waiting ones and the no letter box at all ones.
West Clandon PC has been invited to a webinar by Natural England, giving an update on the evidence submitted so far to support the extension of The A.O.N.B.
Village Hall
The Village Hall Committee has agreed to draw up a schedule of works necessary to keep this asset functional and in reasonable condition. The fact that the electrical system previously and the heating system recently required urgent and expensive work points to the fact that over the last few years, not enough money has been spent on the fabric and the services. The building is 94 years old and will need more work in the future. The challenge will be to find the money. Income from letting has been badly affected by Covid and the coffers are nearly empty. The Hall Committee would very much like to hear from anyone in the village with a surveying or building background who would be prepared to support the Committee. In the first instance, please contact
The clerk would still like to hear from anyone interested in the idea of a “working bee” to begin tidying up the existing shrubbery and borders. Please contact The removal of two unused poles exposed an electric cable. This is believed to be dead but will have to be checked before anything can be planted there.
“A bollard has been ordered” is the latest news in the saga of the A3 slip road. It beggars belief that in a county such as Surrey which must have hundreds if not thousands of bollards on its roads it must order one specially.
Several residents have made comments about the use of the A247 by very large driver training vehicles. Regrettably, it is highly unlikely that the authorities will be prepared to apply restrictions to them. Suggestions for “speed tables” have also been made and have been raised with Surrey Highways in the past. They insist that such tables would have to be fully lit which would not suit many people. There is also the drawback that heavy lorries-particularly empty ones- make a great deal of noise as they drive over them. Under present financial circumstances, the possibility of any such works is a very distant prospect.
Platinum Jubilee
The PC has agreed to make a financial contribution to an event on the Recreation Ground being organised by the Royal British Legion to celebrate the jubilee. It is intended as a village day on Sunday 5th June with stalls, a band, hog roast and a picnic. The Rector and a small group are working on a “beating of the bounds” event for May 7th. Some parts may be inaccessible and landowner’s permission will be required for some others.
The clerk is still looking for people to state their history of usage of the footpath which is parallel with FP 568 but on the field side (west side) of the hedge.. This evidence gathering is necessary to support the application to have this path recognised as a public right of way. Forms to do this are available from
Next Meeting
The next meeting will be on Wednesday 13th April at 8:00 pm in the Village Hall. This will start with the Annual Parish Meeting at which the Chairman will present his annual report followed by the regular council meeting.