The A247, the AONB, planning and footpaths have all been on the Parish Council agenda for the past year but, it is the recreation ground where we have been busiest.
I do hope that you’ve had a chance to take advantage of the new toddlers swing, the returfed football pitches goalmouths and the brand new outdoor multi-gym (purchased with the benefit of a large grant from the National Lottery). And, let’s not forget the new white lines in the car park outside the village hall, the filled in pot holes in the car park and the regular tree works.
We have continued to lobby the Surrey County Council with your concerns about safety, excessive speed and potential accidents. As a result we have a new road layout at the A247/A3 slip road junction, which I am sure you have all noticed. Only time will tell as to how successful this redesign has been in reducing accidents and the Parish Council will review the situation later this year.
In other news on the A247, it has been announced that any construction work on the A247/A3 slip roads will not take place until 2030 at the earliest.
For more information of what the Parish Council has been doing on your behalf, please read my full report here.