4-way sliproads at the A247/A3 junction

Sep 1, 2022 | News, Uncategorized

The Parish Council has held an introductory meeting with National Highways about their new project to undertake a cost/benefit assessment of 4-way sliproads at the A247 (Clandon Road)/A3 junction to be constructed in the 2025-30 time period.

National Highways will be presenting some design options and traffic modelling results to us in early September and are also looking to hold a wider public consultation in the village in October. The Parish Council currently has significant concerns about the impact on traffic volumes on the A247 and will be discussing this at our next meeting (14th September, 8pm, Village Hall, residents welcome as always).

Surrey Highways will be presenting their short-term ideas for improving safety at the junction,at our next Parish Council meeting.

Just to add to the planning complexity at this junction, we are expecting the Garlick’s Arch developer to submit a planning application for a small roundabout on the A247 just north of the bridge over the A3.

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