Chairman:                Mr Terence Patrick , Stoney Royd, Woodstock, West Clandon, Guildford, GU4 7UJ



Clerk:                         Mr John Stone, Hunters End, Lime Grove, West Clandon, Guildford GU4 7UT

                                    01483 385187:  westclandon@talktalk.net : www.westclandon.org.uk



Minutes of the meeting held Wednesday 10th July 2019 at 8.00pm in the Village Hall

Present: Terence Patrick (Chairman), Chris Dean, Jenny Wicks, Stephen Meredith, Eric Palmer and John Stone (Clerk)

Councillors Keith Taylor and Tim Anderson and were in attendance with 1 resident.

1.              Apologies for Absence.
Apologies were received from Jonathan Murphy, Paul Edwards and Ann Dickinson. Guildford Borough Councillors Catherine Young and Chris Barrass were unable to be in attendance.

2.              Declaration of Interests.

Terence Patrick declared that he was an honorary alderman in the Borough of Guildford and member of the Village Hall Management Committee.  Chris Dean declared that he was a member of the Village Hall Management Committee and a neighbour of Willow Pond House which was the subject of a planning application on the agenda of the meeting. Eric Palmer declared that he was Chairman of the Clandon Society.

3.              Confirmation of the Minutes of the May meeting.
The minutes were agreed as an accurate record and signed by the Chairman.

4.              Matters arising from those minutes:
4. Nat West and Unity Accounts and Signatories. The Clerk reported that documentation to update the signatories on both Nat West and Unity Bank accounts had been completed.
10. Vegetation Gang. Paul Edwards suggested the SCC Vegetation Gang could look at 4 or 5 sections of the west side pavement between the Village Hall and Clandon Regis that could be 2 foot wider if earth/grass banks were dug out and outgrowing hedges and branches cut back. (JS)
16. Membership. The Clerk Reported that Ann Dickinson had accepted the Council’s offer of a co-opted place and signed the declaration of office. The Council resolved that she should be a signatory on all the Council’s Bank Accounts and a Trustee on
the Recreation Ground Charity.

5.              Garlick’s Arch Proposed Development:
The Clerk reported that representatives of the developers had been unable to attend the Parish Council meeting as they had originally suggested. He was asked to identify a new date over the summer while holding open the option of them attending the Parish Council meeting in September. (JS)

The Council also considered a request from Send and Ripley Parish Council to contribute to the cost of a planning consultant to advise on our response to the Garlicks Arch Planning Application. Councillors agreed to consult with Jonathan Murphy and reconsider following the proposed meeting with the developers. (JS)

6.              Planning Matters:
Councillors considered the planning applications included in the papers for the meeting and agreed with the recommendation that no comments be made.


7.              Local Plan Update:
The Clerk updated the Council on the reported applications for a judicial review into aspects of the Guildford Local Plan and advice received on potential liabilities for the Council should financial support be offered.
The Council determined that financial support was not appropriate at this stage but that the situation be kept under review.


8.              Neighbourhood Plan Report:
The Clerk reported that notification had been received that the application for Grant support for the Neighbourhood Plan had been successful with £4,676.48 on offer. This would cover all the expenditure which could be anticipated at this stage but that it might be possible to put in a further bid should additional requirements be identified. Councillors agreed to spend £1412 with Surrey Community Action on the Area Character Appraisal and £700 for the Housing Need Survey if required. (JS)


9.              Recreation Ground, Playground and Car Park:
Eric Palmer reported that the new dog fouling signs appeared to be having the desired effect. It was also noted that the new car parking arrangements had been used effectively during two recent village events.

Mr Palmer also reported on recent vandalism in the play area and quotes received for the replacement of damaged gates and fencing. As these were well above expectations additional quotes would be sought. The Council agreed to apply for CFGA funding for both of these in the current bidding round (EP/JS)


The Clerk reported that a meeting had been arranged with a representative of Surrey Highways to discuss the ownership of the trees on the boundary of the Recreation Ground with the Street. (JS/EP)

10.           Footpaths:
Councillors agreed in principle to the installation of dog excrement bag bins at both ends of footpath 568 subject to consultation with the Guildford Dog Warden. (TP)
They also agreed to commission cuts to excessive growth on footpaths 568 and 66 should this be necessary (PE/JS)

11.           A247 Matters.
Following a site visit to a damaged pothole on The Street follow up work was being progressed. (KT)


12.           Council Correspondence sent and received:
Councillors noted the schedule of correspondence received included in the papers for the meeting and recent comments from residents over tree felling behind Meadowlands and risks from traffic to children playing in Meadowlands.

13.           Financial Matters and Approvals:
The financial transactions since the last meeting included in the papers for the meeting were noted.

14.           Questions from the Public.
The Chairman highlighted the request from West Clandon Royal British Legion for residents to attend the Extraordinary AGM.
Keith Taylor reported that future arrangements for Grass Cutting of verges would be the subject of a forthcoming consultation.

15.           Date of Next Meeting- Wednesday 11th September 2019 at 8.00pm.