Chairman:                Mr Terence Patrick , Stoney Royd, Woodstock, West Clandon, Guildford, GU4 7UJ



Clerk:                         Mr John Stone, Hunters End, Lime Grove, West Clandon, Guildford GU4 7UT

                                    01483 385187:  westclandon@talktalk.net : www.westclandon.org.uk




Wednesday 8th May 2019 at 8.00pm in the Village Hall


1.              Election of Chair and Vice-Chair

2.              Apologies for Absence.

3.              Declaration of Interests.

4.              Confirmation of the Minutes of the March meeting.

5.              Matters arising from those minutes.

6.              Local Plan Update.

7.              Neighbourhood Plan Report:

-        To consider and approve recommendations from the Neighbourhood Planning Group.

8.              Recreation Ground, Playground and Car Park

9.              Footpaths.

10.           A247 Matters.

11.           Planning Matters:

-        to agree the Council’s response to planning applications and appeals received as listed in the correspondence paper.

12.           Council Correspondence sent and received:

-        to note correspondence received.

13.           Financial Matters and Approvals:

-        to consider renewing Council membership of the CPRE.

14.           Annual Governance Statement:

-        To consider and approve the Annual Governance Statement (Section 1).

15.           2017/18 Accounts:

-        To consider and approve the Accounting Statement (Section 2).

16.           Office and Administration:

-        To agree arrangements for renewing the Council’s insurance cover.

-        To approve move to register with the Information Commissioner

-        To consider equipment disposal

17.           Questions from the Public.

18.           Date of Next Meeting- Wednesday 12th June 2019 at 8.00pm.

19.           Exclusion of Press and Public.