Chairman:                Mr Terence Patrick , Stoney Royd, Woodstock, West Clandon, Guildford, GU4 7UJ



Clerk:                         Mr John Stone, Hunters End, Lime Grove, West Clandon, Guildford GU4 7UT

                                    01483 385187:  westclandon@talktalk.net : www.westclandon.org.uk




Wednesday 10th July 2019 at 8.00pm in the Village Hall

1.              Apologies for Absence.

2.              Declaration of Interests.

3.              Confirmation of the Minutes of the June 2019 meeting.

4.              Matters arising from those minutes:

5.              Garlick’s Arch Proposed Development:

6.              Planning Matters:
- to agree the Council’s response to planning applications and appeals received.

7.              Local Plan Update:

- to discuss the reported judicial reviews into the Local Plan and determine any actions required;

- to agree the Council’s response to the request for financial support from Send Parish Council.

8.              Neighbourhood Plan Report:

-        to receive an update on the Council’s bid for financial support;

-        to agree expenditure on the Area Community Appraisal and Housing Needs Survey

9.              Recreation Ground, Playground and Car Park:
- to agree a response to the issues raised by the event on the Recreation Ground on July 18th Note: the Councils rules for the use of the Recreation Ground can be found at http://www.westclandon.org.uk/docs/WCPC%20Recreation%20Ground%20Rules%20040418.pdf

- to discuss tenders received for the renewal of fencing and gates around the toddlers play area.

10.           Footpaths:
- to agree the installation and servicing of dog excrement bag bins at both ends of footpath 568.

11.              A247 Matters.

12.           Council Correspondence sent and received:

-    to note correspondence received.

13.           Financial Matters and Approvals:

-    To nominate projects requiring Concurrent Functions Grant Aid in 2020/21.

14.           Questions from the Public.

15.           Date of Next Meeting- Wednesday 11th September 2019 at 8.00pm.